Meet the team



Ruby’s dad, Husboo, self employed since 01, former jazz musician, singer in a hardcore band, introverted extrovert and flower shirt wearer.

Tessa (Teresa)

Sales - Mistress of Magical Infusion

Galactic Grey’s cat-mom, artist and pin strategist, worldwide shoulders stan, fueled by coffee, chaotic neutral, and C/Kdrama crybaby.


Sales - Former Set Up Assassin

Randy Newman enthusiast.
Thinks it might rain today.


Artist + Digital Fairy

Local creator, nostalgia collector, Fortnite goddess, music enthusiast, loves anything with a Reaper on it.


Queen of Shipments + Artist Wrangler

Ruby’s mama, certified packaging expert, holiday decorations enthusiast, Warrior 3 Yogi, cupcake queen and sparkly Rainbow.